Academics & Research

Academics & Research

Clarkson Knows Who It Is & Why It Matters. 

We ignite connections across disciplines, industries and cultures in a cutting-edge, 为学生和学者提供解决现实问题的技术环境,并建立一个为当今前瞻性经济做好准备的专业网络. Hands-on research, 个性化咨询和体验式学习是esball国际平台客户端体验的中心. 你将获得成为问题解决者、创新者和所在领域领导者的工具.

教师和学生之间的合作水平很高 Coulter School of Engineering, the Reh School of Business, the Lewis School of Health Sciences, the Clarkson School - Early College Program, Honors Program and the Graduate School,以及我们全球公认的研究中心和研究所,包括 Center for Advanced Materials Processing, the Center for Complex Systems, the Center for Identification Technology Research, the Center for Air Aquatic Resources Engineering & Science, the Center for Rehabilitation Engineering Science & Technology, the Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions, the Institute for STEM Education, the Institute for a Sustainable Environment.

Explore What Is Possible

我们的节目查找器可以帮助您找到适合您目标的节目. 选择你感兴趣的和你想要的学位类型, 准备好和你的导师讨论你的愿望.

Explore the Program Finder

Explore Our Schools and Institutes

拥有超过95个学士学位课程, master's and doctoral degrees, you can intentionally integrate your academic, 研究和社会生活点燃你的目标.

Facts & Stats



According to Washington Monthly

Fact: 被评为Top 25 STEM学院之一和美国顶尖研究型大学之一 Forbes

Fact: 在为数不多的“高研究活动”大学中,根据卡内基高等教育机构分类

Fact: Ranked as a Top-Tier National University by U.S. News & World Report

Top 25

在全美最佳职业安置排行榜上名列前茅 The Princeton Review. 99%的本科生和esball国际app在他们选择的领域找到了工作或继续深造.

Top 2%


Research and Innovation

We’re a solutions-driven community of doers. We lead with a mission of discovery, 这种心态推动了工程领域突破边界的创新, business, the sciences, technology and healthcare. 我们今天的发现影响着可持续的基础设施, 未来的新技术和先进的病人护理, plus so much more. 我们为本科生和esball国际app提供机会, 巩固我们在技术教育领域的领先地位.

Learn More About our Research and Innovation


为学生提供在最先进的设施和最新技术中进行研究的机会, 仪器和教师专家领导他们的领域.

  • Unlike at other universities, 任何本科生都可以在入学第一年就进行研究,并参与一些前沿项目,最终在会议上发表演讲, 发表影响世界的研究和真正的突破.
  • To take it a step further, the Honors Program is a highly competitive, 以研究为重点的本科生选择,希望在他们的大学经历中深入研究.
  • 我们的教师专业知识涵盖所有学科, 更加注重健康世界的解决方案, data and complex systems analytics, 先进材料开发和下一代医疗保健技术.

Why We Are Unlike Other Universities

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